In the Margin: August 2015 – Two by Two

Two by Two

Good things come in pairs and opposites attract. Since the beginning of time, the natural order has been for many things in life to come in pairs: male and female; night and day; positive and negative; hot and cold. And it’s not just nature that’s full of pairs. After all, where would the music and film industries be if it wasn’t for famous pairings, ranging from Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers to Mick Jagger and Keith Richards? Given the prevalence of pairs, in this binary world of ours, it only seems fair that we should recognise some of the most famous of them in the form of a puzzle.

Black and White

Thirty-five famous duos have been hidden in the wordsearch below:


For your chance to win a $50 book voucher, find all of the duos and email your solution to:

Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one (Actuaries 199 Solution)

The answers to the nine anagram clues given in Actuaries 199 are: 1. Socrates/Coasters; 2. Enlarge/General; 3. Engrave/Avenger; 4. Insures/Sunrise; 5. Raunchier/Hurricane; 6. Wrestle/Swelter; 7. Priest/Sprite; 8. Teacher/Hectare; 9. Rosetta/Toaster. These pairs of words can be arranged in the two grids as follows:




Reading down the two coloured columns gives the final pair of anagrams:

11 correct answers were submitted. The winner of this month’s prize, selected randomly from among the correct entries, was Adrian Yiu, who will receive a $50 book voucher.


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