My Presidential Message
It’s both an honour and pleasure for me to be the President of the Actuaries Institute for 2016.
You have my commitment to lead the profession and serve the interests of the Institute and you, our Members, with diligence and insight. This year I will work on:
- the standing of the profession – its Relevance, Sustainability and Place in business and society;
- the quality and relevance of Institute services to Members;
- leading an effective Council; and
- engaging with you, our Members, while representing the profession.
I invite you to watch my Presidential Message, where I expand on the points above and also welcome you to provide feedback via actuaries@actuaries.asn.au
I am looking forward to the year ahead, as we work together to meet the challenges facing our profession. It’s up to each one of us to grasp the opportunities we see, and to be involved in our actuarial community.
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