A quizzical night

From geography to Game of Thrones and dodgeball, the Young Actuaries Program 2015 Trivia Fusion Night threw up some dicey challenges. Gautham Suresh reports.

I am pleased to report that the SKL sponsored Trivia Fusion Night last month was stuffed with a nutritious variety of questions that tested the most seasoned “Trivia Masters”.

Close to 50 participants randomly allocated across 6 teams turned up at the Institute to go head to head against each other in a bid to secure the top prize, aptly and somewhat trivially called, “The Winners Pot” and the Fusion heavyweight title for 2015.

Given the mix and variety of interest expected of the participants, the MC, yours truly, strived to bring about a range of multiple choice and open-ended questions that allowed the members to socialise and wow the crowd with their extensive, and sometimes lack of, general knowledge, balancing skills and ability to handle the complexities of pulling tissues out of a tissue box. The questions ranged across a quizzical variety of themes including geography, Game of Thrones and dodgeball. Further, to add to the mix, a “use your ears” round provided some good vibes that complemented the three “hands on” challenges.

Some more notable questions that caused a decent amount of gossip and soft-spoken whispers amongst the teams were:

  • “What are the 5 “D’s” of Dodgeball?”
  • “Who is the most famous resident of the Island of Sodor?”
  • “The name of the Eurovision 2015 winning song?”
YAP Fusion Dice
Hillary Cao does her balancing best!

Despite the totally respectable number of correctly answered questions, some teams found themselves someway short of an impregnable position. However, that changed as the question-answer structure merged into a test of coordination and pace through a series of challenges. However, the challenges facing the participants did not offer much in the way of a reprieve from the brain teasers given the need to use both the mind and agility. The challenges were:

  • “A Bit Dicey”: a challenge where team members were required to build a tower of six dice on the end of a paddle pop stick
  • “Tissue pull!” a challenge which required team members to empty out a tissue box in the quickest time using only a single hand; and the
  • “Caddystack”: a challenge that required 2 golf balls to be balanced on top of each other.

With all that going on during the night a supportable supply of food and drink provided the energy needed to push the teams to their best, and by the end of the challenges the paddock was cleared and the “Trivia Masters” had cemented their pole position. The 2nd and 3rd place were differentiated by only two seconds during the “Caddystack” challenge.   

This memorable night could not have been possible without the support of the Institute staff, sponsors SKL and the six teams of members. YAP would like to congratulate the winners and everyone who participated and hopefully had a wonderful time.

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